
CHICAGO – Healthcare these days is being constantly flooded with new digital products and services, and while many are necessary and/or beneficial, they come with the addition of significant risk. Organizations are continuing to increase their cybersecurity budgets, but many organizational leaders are still coming up to speed on how critical it is to achieve […]

CHICAGO – Quantum computing reached a milestone in 2022 when a 400-plus qubit machine was demonstrated at a time when experts were questioning the feasibility of even a 100 qubit system. The question is no longer whether quantum computing will speed up applications in the world of healthcare – it’s now a matter of when.

CHICAGO – About half of the population in the country live in areas that have a lack of access to behavioral healthcare, said Taft Parsons III, vice president and chief psychiatric officer, CVS Health. Dr. Zenobia Brown agreed that access for behavior and mental health services has been an issue before the pandemic.

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